Tariva Thomas | Fieldfisher
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I have experience of advising large corporates and individuals in connection with tax litigation in particular tax professional negligence disputes that have arisen as a result of failed planning and/or structuring.
I have experience of running high value taxation disputes alongside settlement opportunities with HMRC. The majority of these cases have settled either via mediation or without the need to seek recourse from the Courts and/or Tribunals.
Recent experience includes:

  • Advising a high-net worth individual in connection with foreign tax credits;
  • Pursuing a professional negligence claim on behalf of an ultra high-net worth individual relating to domiciled status;
  • Multiple claims for professional negligence relating to the use of tax avoidance schemes;
  • Acting for a high net worth individual in connection with a complex stamp duty land tax structure, including voluntary disclosures to HMRC and associated professional negligence claim; and
  • Claims involving fraud and incorrect tax advice across multiple jurisdictions. 

I have a proven track record of unravelling complex tax structures in order to provide clients with clear, concise advice that focuses on their objectives and requirements. 

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