How to optimise your cash flow through the COVID crisis? | Fieldfisher
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Webinar: How to optimise your cash flow through the COVID crisis

A close-up of a desk workspace with a striped mug, a computer keyboard, and a smartphone displaying a calculator app. A piece of paper with handwritten notes is beneath the phone. Sunlight creates lens flare effects on the image.


United Kingdom

Tim Bird and Michelle Shean from Fieldfisher are joined by Alistair Shaw, Mark Benka and Adrian Hextall of Smith & Willamson to discuss the following subjects across 2 short webinars:

Session 1 -Tuesday 16 June

  • COVID-19 and the obvious impact on cashflow
  • Monitoring, managing and improving cashflow – practical steps to extend the runway to your next fund raise

Session 2 - Thursday 18 June

  • The use of data to create better and more transparent financial reports
  • Managing your shareholders – how to avoid activism among your shareholders by working with them
  • What should shareholders be doing to help portfolio companies?
  • Board leadership – better governance will create confidence among your shareholders

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