Guidance for industry on flexible approaches to regulation the Medicines and Healthcare Agency (MHRA) are taking during the COVID-19 outbreak | Fieldfisher
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Coronavirus: What is the MHRA doing?




Guidance for industry on flexible approaches to regulation the Medicines and Healthcare Agency (MHRA) are taking during the COVID-19 outbreak. The MHRA are working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and other healthcare partners and stakeholders to rapidly develop a package of ‘flexibilities’ to regulatory guidance, in order to support the medicines supply chain and wider healthcare response to the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK.

These regulatory flexibilities are:
  • temporary and will be kept under review, except where regulatory extensions have been stated
  • offered to provide flexibility in exceptional circumstances 
  • effective immediately

See the full guidance here
We are all navigating uncharted waters as business and society faces up to the impact of COVID-19.  We very much hope you and your loved ones remain in good health. 

 Please be assured that Fieldfisher is continuing to work with clients to navigate COVID-19 related issues and on business as usual needs.  Do get in touch with us if you would like to chat anything through.


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