Tom Clarke | Fieldfisher
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I have worked in Fieldfisher Ireland LLP, and its predecessor McDowell Purcell Solicitors, since 2015 as a paralegal and trainee solicitor, before being admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in Ireland in 2022.

I advise public bodies, statutory bodies, and professional regulatory bodies on all aspects of their statutory functions, as well as in relation to their practice and procedures. I have a particular interest in the following areas: 

  • Advising professional regulatory bodies in respect of their fitness to practise processes, from preliminary investigation stage through to sanction stage;
  • Investigating and preparing the presentation of complaints before fitness to practise committees of professional regulatory bodies;
  • Appearing before boards and councils of professional regulatory bodies;
  • Preparing applications in the High Court for confirmation of sanction and seeking emergency suspension orders; and
  • Defending judicial review proceedings and statutory appeals in the High Court, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court;
  • Advising on the exercise of statutory functions, statutory interpretation, and fair procedures, including the delivery of training.

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