Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht-Compliance | Fieldfisher
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Antitrust and Competition

Antitrust and competition offences have increasingly become the focus of the authorities in recent years. Infringements often remain undetected until the antitrust authorities visit or are only discovered when it is already too late. Insufficient or even non-existent compliance can result in fines of up to 10 % of annual company-wide turnover and up to EUR 1 million for the persons responsible.

Why so important today?

  • Major customers demand proof of antitrust compliance
  • Increasing awareness of compliance obligations
    • Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court: "The necessary supervisory measures include not only the careful selection of the relevant personnel, but also random, surprise checks on employees."
  • Digitalisation poses new challenges for compliance systems
  • Threat of corporate liability
    • Violations are prosecuted (German competition autority regularly imposes fines on natural persons)
    • Damages proceedings against company managers
  • High risk of damages
    • Compensation for damages is politically desired and promoted by the legislator (comprehensive innovations through the 9th amendment to the ARC)
  • Significantly higher fines today
  • Higher prosecution intensity: many more cases
    • Dramatically higher probability of detection
    • Many cases are uncovered through bonus applications
  • Greater intensity of prosecution: not only price fixing
    • Also unlawful exchange of information or vertical infringements (enforcement of price recommendations)
  • Reduction of fines
    • Some antitrust authorities reduce fines if the company has installed a compliance programme - also according to German Law
    • ->Which standards for antitrust compliance must be met?
  • More resources for detection at the Federal Cartel Office
    • More staff/creation of a new department for cartel prosecution.