Headway's Action for Brain Injury Week | Fieldfisher
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Headway's Action for Brain Injury Week

The image shows two brain scans. The left scan is a coronal view with a highlighted red area in the center, indicating abnormal activity. The right scan is an axial view in grayscale, displaying the brain's structure without highlighted regions.
This week is Headway's Action for Brain Injury Week. This year Headway are launching a new campaign called 'Every 90 Seconds'. In the time it takes to watch the video Every 90 seconds - YouTube, someone in the UK will have been admitted to hospital with a brain injury. If you would like to understand more about brain injury and its effects, take a moment to watch it.

Headway's campaign aims to share real-life stories from those with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their families to raise awareness of the condition, whether caused by head injury, stroke, or illness. The most common causes are falls, road traffic collisions and assaults, with a 12% increase in hospital admissions for TBI since 2005-2006.

The effects of TBI depend on various factors such as the type, location and severity of injury. Symptoms can include balance problems, headaches and dizziness as well as cognitiveemotional and behavioural effects such as memory problemsfatigue and anger. 95% of brain injuries are mild, but the remaining moderate to severe brain injuries are likely can cause lifelong symptoms and require specialist rehabilitation.

We work with people who have sustained a traumatic brain injury every day and witness the challenges that they and those around face in the aftermath of an accident and during the long process of rehabilitation. Organisations such as Headway provide much needed support to people with brain injuries and their families, whether that is through an outreach services, groups, advice and information services, or contact with others facing similar challenges.

The Fieldfisher serious injury team support Action for Brain Injury Week and Headway in its work to raise awareness of brain injury and rebuild lives in the aftermath.

Read more about our brain injury claims.

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