Fieldfisher pleased to host Abigail's Footsteps Baby Loss Conference on 12th June | Fieldfisher
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Fieldfisher pleased to host Abigail's Footsteps Baby Loss Conference on 12th June

Close-up of hands holding a white ribbon. The ribbon is neatly folded into a loop and rests gently in the person’s palms. The white ribbon is often associated with awareness campaigns for various causes, including violence prevention and lung cancer awareness.
An impressive line-up of speakers will discuss maternity services and learnings from the National Maternity Reviews with an audience of midwives, neonatal nurses and maternity professionals at Fieldfisher's London office in June.

Medical Negligence specialists Kate Rohde and Christina Gardner will speak at the event curated by Caron Heyes and Deborah Nadel. The keynote address will be presented by Dr Bill Kirkup, who will discuss key messages from the National Maternity Reviews and the Single Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services.

The Conference will see the launch of Abigail's Footsteps film ‘Say my baby’s name; pregnancy after loss’ and hear from the scriptwriter and actors involved.

Also speaking is Helen Gittos, who lost her baby Harriet in 2014. On the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Helen summed up the loss and pain of losing a baby. She said that she should be getting her nine-year-old ready for school that morning, rather than grieving her death. 

The medical negligence team continues to lobby for improved maternity services across the UK. The Abigail's Footsteps conference will be part of that conversation and progress.  

Find more information and a booking form for the conference. 

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