Victory at High Court for asbestos victim | Fieldfisher
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Victory at High Court for asbestos victim

A microscopic image showing a section of human tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin, displaying various shades of purple and pink. The tissue sample contains clusters of cells and appears to be part of an intricate biological structure.
We won a trial against the Ministry of Defence at the High Court for an asbestosis sufferer, Graham. Dushal Mehta acted for Graham in a three day trial at the High Court in London. Graham will now receive £82,500 to compensate him for the disability that was caused by his illness.

Graham worked as a lagger for the Ministry of Defence for four years, where he was exposed to asbestos. He later developed asbestosis, a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibres.

The Ministry of Defence admitted that Graham was negligently exposed to asbestos as their employee. They denied that the exposure caused Graham's illness and subsequent disability. Graham has severe breathing difficulties and requires oxygen.

The Ministry of Defence argued that Graham was suffering from a lung condition with unknown causes, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). They relied on their medical evidence in support of their position.
The trial centred on whether Graham had asbestosis or IPF. Both medical experts gave evidence at the trial in the High Court.

After a three day trial at the High Court, the judge ruled in Graham's favour.

The judge awarded Graham damages on a provisional basis.

He will be able to pursue another claim for damages if Graham develops mesothelioma or asbestos induced lung cancer.

The award includes money to compensate Graham for the pain and suffering caused by his illness.

It also provides compensation for his past and future care.



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For further information about mesothelioma claims, please call Dushal Mehta on 03304606751 or email


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