Negligent care at St Helier Hospital caused Mrs P's death | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

Negligent care at St Helier Hospital caused Mrs P's death

Close-up of a person's hand resting on a hospital bed, holding the hand of another person lying in the bed. Both hands are gently touching, highlighting the moment of connection and care. The scene is softly lit, with a comforting and intimate atmosphere.
Christina represented Mr P, whose wife sadly passed away due to misdiagnosis of pyloric stenosis and sepsis. Hospital staff failed to recognise the severity of Mrs P's illness despite her deteriorating condition and rising NEWS score, which the Trust admitted indicated a serious and deteriorating situation.

Opportunities were missed to appropriately respond to and treat Mrs P's illness. This meant she suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest following which she died.

An admission of liability and apology was secured from Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust as well as a financial settlement for Mr P. The Trust admitted to multiple failures of care and accepted that with appropriate care, cardiac arrest would have been avoided.

The Trust admitted that Mrs P's death would have been avoided and she would have made a satisfactory recovery. They apologised for the shortcomings in her care.

Christina was able to reach a successful settlement of the claim within a year of her instruction.

Contact us

For further information about sepsis claims and misdiagnosis claims, please call Christina Gardiner on 03304606746 or email


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