Damages for window cleaner injured by exploding beer bottle | Fieldfisher
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Damages for window cleaner injured by exploding beer bottle

Rows of glass beer bottles with golden caps are lined up and moving along a conveyor belt in a brewery or bottling plant. The background features industrial equipment and machinery, including large red motors.

Associate Jack Sales, assisting partner Keith Barrett, secured damages for a client whose hand was seriously injured when a beer bottle exploded as he walked past it at home in London.

Andy*, who works as a window cleaner, was with a group of friends who visited a brewery in Scotland as part of a fun beer brewing experience which included selecting hops and flavours to make bottles of beer.

The group were then meant to go back to the brewery once the beer was ready to bottle and label it, but because of national covid restrictions, the beer was instead bottled, packaged and delivered to them by the brewery.

After collecting his share of the beer and returning home, Andy selected a bottle from the box to drink that evening. But as he walked past the unopened bottle, it suddenly exploded, throwing glass fragments into the air, badly injuring his hand and leg, including tendon and nerve damage to his hand.

Other bottles in the same batch of beer also exploded and other members of the original party also experienced exploding beer bottles in different locations.

Andy required multiple surgeries, including skin grafts, to restore function in his hand, clearly essential for him to continue working.

Keith and Jack were instructed to pursue a civil claim for damages and identified a forensics expert who examined the glass fragments. The defendant, the brewery owner, denied liability in full for Andy's injuries.

Jack therefore issued civil proceedings in the courts and, despite the defendant maintaining full denial, began negotiations for a settlement and secured damages for Andy to compensate him for time off work and numerous surgeries needed to get back full functioning in his hand.

Contact us

For further information about personal injury claims, please call Keith Barrett on 0330 460 6783 or email keith.barrett@fieldfisher.com or call Jack Sales on 0330 460 7328 or email jack.sales@fieldfisher.com.


All enquiries are completely free of charge and we will investigate all funding options for you including no win, no fee.

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