An Bord Pleanála Publishes Annual Report | Fieldfisher
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An Bord Pleanála Publishes Annual Report



An Bord Pleanála has published its Annual Report and Accounts 2019. It has also published statistical data for 2019 which accompanies the main Annual Report document.

Some of the key findings in the report are:
  • A total of 2,938 cases were received, up 7% on 2018 figures;
  • The Board decided a total of 2,971 cases, a 4% increase on 2018's total;
  • The number of planning appeals received remained essentially unchanged from 2,028 in 2018 to 2,076 in 2019. Planning appeals accounted for over 71% of all cases received in 2019, with almost two-thirds of all appeals relating to residential developments;
  • The average number of weeks for dealing with normal planning appeals was 18.4 weeks. This is substantially down from 2018, when the average was 22 weeks;
  • A total of 119 valid Strategic Housing Development (SHD) applications were received, more than three times the numbers of applications received in 2018 (39 applications);
  • There were 26 Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) applications received, an increase of 30% on 2018;
  • An overall compliance rate of 69% was achieved in concluding Normal Planning Appeals within the statutory objective period of 18 weeks, up from the 39% compliance rate recorded in 2018;
  • 55 judicial review proceedings were commenced in 2019. This is up from 41 cases in 2018.
Despite the tripling of SHD applications during 2019, the Board have been able to maintain 100% compliance with the statutory timelines set down in legislation (16 weeks generally, or 24 weeks for cases where an oral hearing is held)

For 2020 a target was set to decide 65% - 75% of appeals cases within the statutory objective period, and the Board has already returned the compliance rate to 76% by end of May 2020.

The report and appendices can be found here.

Writtten by Patrick Reilly. 

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